Caitlin (Me)

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Hey everybody,
Hope you all had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
I know I did and I always love celebrating Jesus' birthday!! I got presents and I love each of them! :P
What'd you guys get and how was your Holidays??
Let me know!

Caitlin xo


  1. For Christmas I hope that you will answer my messages on this blog and that you cross wonderful holidays because you really deserve him

    God blesses you

    Camille ( Love u )

  2. I got a guitar and some ballet shoes so I can start dance(: I love Jesus!! He is our Lord and Savior and without Him... well life would suck! But because of Him being born we get to go to heaven! The greatest gift of all was given to us!(: Love you caitlin! God does too(:

    Lauren Olivia((:

  3. Caitlin, I read your story and you inspire me. Like you I have spent many long days, weeks, months in hospitals. I have had a total of 14 major heart surgeries, each one being a big risk on my body. Each surgery has created a problem; I have had 6 strokes, loosing almost all of my vision at age 2.

    Reading your story and how you almost died really touched me. I had my 14th surgery December 2009. I was dead for 17 minutes; I have died a few times during surgery.
    Like you when I learnt about all that has happened to me I know there is a God, he put both of us through agony, pain and torture because we are meant to do something in this world. We are meant to be something amazing. Only those who are strong enough can go through all of this and still have a bright smile on their face.

    You are beautiful; never think of yourself as anything less than a miracle. Don’t look at the scars on your body as being “ugly” they are scars of strength; they show how strong, brave and courageous you really are. I have 7 scars from surgeries, whenever I look at them in the mirror I think ‘wow, this has been here since I was 2 days old, even as a baby I was strong’. My biggest scar goes directly in the middle of my chest, it starts just under my color bone, and ends half way down my ribs it has been opened 9 times for open heart surgery. Some people say rude things like ‘eww what happened?’ or ‘did you get burnt or something’. I take that opportunity to tell them, I have been through a lot 14 surgeries and this scar makes me who I am, it makes me a strong girl who will never give up.
    Caitlin, keep loving life, friends, family and most importantly God and the angels.

    Never Give Up


    Danika xoxo

  4. Hey! Wow, just wanted to say you have inspired me. I have never been a strong christian, but since your accident and how strongly you believe god was by your side through the whole thing has changed me completley. I am now visiting the church every sunday, am praying every night for the people I love and praying for you. I think you have been so brave through everything you have been through (the accident) and I admire that so much. I really feel for you, but I suppose everything happens for a reason. You died. But God wanted you on his world, to make people happy and to make the earth a better place. So he brought you back. You are an amazing person and are loved by so many people. Christian obviously has so much love for you, you are one of his best friends. And im sure the rest of your family and friends have shown a huge amount of support and love. I will continue praying for you throughout your stages of healing, and I hope all the best comes from this.

    You are so beautiful, and have such a phenominal personality. Kind, sweet, funny, energetic, crazy, and just the best person to be around!!

    I want your hair. Like, actually want it sooo bad! What products do you use on it? It looks so healthy!

    Lots of love, and may god be with you throughout the rest of your life.


    P.S have you deleted your personal fbook page?:L cause it wont work when i click on the link you posted at the bottom of the page:/.

  5. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! :)
    thank you so much!! xoxoxooxo

  6. AAAHHHH I'm so glad I found your blog! I had a great Christmas! (a lil late on commenting but I think that's okay!) I got great gifts but the best part was my sister got ENGAGED! So something to look forward to! :)

    Anna Claire
